Thursday, August 22, 2013

Crop Alert: August 22, 2013

This Crop Alert was originally written for and distributed to farmers and other members of the agricultural industry in western New York.

Soybean Aphids & Diseases
Reports have come in from across the region this past week of soybean aphids over the 250 aphid per plant threshold. While there are many fields that have reached levels where spraying is necessary, this does not mean that every soybean field should be sprayed. A number of soybean fields are currently at 100‐150 aphids per plant and should continue to be monitored until the soybeans reach the R6 growth stage, Figure 1. A spray operation this late in the growing season will run over 3‐4 bu/A of soybeans so it is very important to spray only if the yield loss from the aphids outweighs the yield loss of running over the field. Additionally we are past the point in the growing season where fungicide applications are economically on most soybeans. Fungicide applications up to the R3 stage in soybeans are likely to see a response if diseases are present. Some late-planted soybean fields may still be at the R3 growth stage.

Figure 1: Soybeans at the R6 Growth Stage

Small Grain Variety Trial Results
The results from the Soft Red Winter Wheat and the Winter Malting Variety Trials are in. For details check out our team webpage for the Soft Red Winter Wheat (|3) and Winter Malting Barley (|3) trial results.

Pricing Corn Silage
Questions are coming in regarding how to price corn silage. Check out our team webpage
(|3) with links to factsheets and Excel spreadsheets that will help you arrive at a fair price for corn silage based on your local situation.

Planting Winter Triticale For Silage
Winter triticale planting will begin soon across western New York. Last year over 15,000 acres were planted state‐wide with about 10,000 of those acres in western New York. This past year fields planted in September 2012 yielded 2‐3 tons DM/A, while fields planted in October 2012 yielded 1‐2 tons DM/A. Drilling about 100 lbs. of seed/A (about 2 bu) at 1.5 inches deep is the most reliable and least risky planting method. Increased heaving of triticale and spring weed growth were observed in broadcasted fields this past year. Early research results and on‐farm experiences are showing that about 50 units of nitrogen (3,000‐5,000 ga/A of manure) at planting will likely increase yields. Further work on‐farm and at research facilities are examining this question in detail this fall and next spring. For more information on triticale silage check out the Cornell Factsheet (

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